Zinaida Benenson
PD Dr. Zinaida Benenson
I hold a permanent senior research position at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, at the Lab for IT Security Infrastructures, where I lead the “Human Factors in Security and Privacy” Group.
I’m the Erasmus+ program coordinator of the Department of Computer Science.
My current research interests are:
- Human factors in security and privacy (mental models, decision making, usability)
- Security and privacy in pervasive computing (IoT, cyber-physical systems)
My teaching is closely connected to my research interests:
- “Human Factors in Security and Privacy” (every summer term)
- “Security and Privacy in Pervasive Computing” (every winter term)
- (May 2024) Our paper on inconsistency of CVSS v3.1 got the Distinguished Paper Award at the 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.
- (November 2023) Panelist at the APWG eCrime Symposium
- (June 2023) Participant at the invite-only workshop Future of Human-Centred Privacy, King’s College London
- (March 2023) Workshop on Usable Security with the awardees of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes) in Nuremberg
- (March 2023) Talk at the event “Nationale Konferenz IT-Sicherheitsforschung 2023” (in German) organized by BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Reserarch)
- (February 2023) Talk at the event “Digitaler Alltag in Gefahr?” (in German) organized by BSI (Federal Office for Information Security)
- (June 2022) Panelist at IoT Security Panel, IFIP SEC 2022, Copenhagen
- (April 2022) Talk (in German) at the Symposium of the Women and Computer Science Chapter of the German Computer Science Society on human-centered security
- (April 2022) Keynote (in German) on usable security and privacy in smart homes at the Annual SecHuman Symposium: „IT-Sicherheit und Datenschutz im Smarthome: Wie können wir die Verbraucher*innen unterstützen?“
- (January 2022) Talk (Youtube) and paper (both in German) within the lecture series “Zu treuen Händen”at Verbraucherzentrale NRW
- (November 2021) Talk at the World Usability Day Estonia: “Testing Usability of Security Tools”
- (June 2021) Talk (in German, for general public) on human-centered security at the Zollhof
- (November 2020) Keynote (in German) at the FIfFKon 2020 on human-centered security
- (January 2020) Panelist at the Usable Security and Privacy Day 2020 at the Freie Universität Berlin
- (July 2019) I’m co-organizing a Dagstuhl seminar on cyber deception and cyber aggression together with Marianne Junger (Univ. of Twente), Daniela Oliveira (UFL), and Gianluca Stringhini (Boston Univ.)
- (May 2019) Talk at the Security and Human Behavior (SHB) workshop at Harvard University
- (May 2019) Our paper “Security Managers Are Not the Enemy Either” got a Honorable Mention Award (top 5% of papers) at the ACM SIGCHI conference. Many thanks to my co-authors Lena Reinfelder and Robert Landwirth.
- (November 2018) Keynote at the Annual SecHuman Symposium 2018: “Human Factors in Anti-Phishing and Reverse Engineering”.
- (May 2018) Talk at the Security and Human Behavior (SHB) Workshop in at CMU, Pittsburgh
- (February 27, 2018) Keynote talk at the DFN-CERT IT Security Conference
- (December 5, 2017) I’m co-chairing the STAST Workshop (Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust) at ACSAC together with Daniela Oliveira, Universtiy of Florida.
- (September 29, 2017) Panelist at the Kick-Off Event of the European Cyber Security Month
- (May 26, 2017) Talk about spear phishing at the Workshop on Security and Human Behavior (SHB 2017)
- (May 9, 2017) Keynote at the Conference Sikkerhet og Sårbarhet in Trondheim, Norway: To click or not to click? Unpacking phishing susceptibility
- (Jan 19, 2017) Black Hat Webcast “This Could Happen to You: Reasons for Clicking on Ransomware-Infected Links and Attachments“
- (Dec 5, 2016) STAST Workshop @ACSAC (PC Co-Chair): 6th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust investigated the interplay of technical and human-centered security measures
- (Nov 9, 2016) Keynote at the Award Ceremony of the European Cyber Security Challenge 2016: Why Hackers are Better Psychologists Than Security Experts.
- (Aug 2016) Black Hat 2016 talk
- Youtube video
- Media coverage (alphabetically sorted): darkreading, fedscoop, golem, heise, pcmag, theguardian, theregister, zdnet
- Mader, B., Eichenmüller, C., Pugliese, G., Eckhardt, D., & Benenson, Z. (2024). I Blame Apple in Part for My False Expectations: An Autoethnographic Study of Apple’s Lockdown Mode in iOS.
URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/2411.13249 - Weinberger, L., Eichenmüller, C., Gassmann, F., Pugliese, G., & Benenson, Z. (2024). Used, Avoided, Restricted? Perceptions, Behavior, and Changes in Video Conferencing of German-speaking Users During and After the Pandemic. In Proceedings of the 2024 European Symposium on Usable Security (pp. 77–93). Karlstad, SE: New York, NY, USA: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM).
- Wunder, J., Aurich, J., & Benenson, Z. (2024). From Chaos to Consistency: The Role of CSAF in Streamlining Security Advisories. In Proceedings of the The 2024 European Symposium on Usable Security. Karlstad University, SE.
- Wunder, J., Corona, A., Hammer, A., & Benenson, Z. (2024). On NVD Users’ Attitudes, Experiences, Hopes and Hurdles. Digital Threats: Research and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1145/3688806
- Wunder, J., Kurtz, A., Eichenmüller, C., Gassmann, F., & Benenson, Z. (2024). Shedding Light on CVSS Scoring Inconsistencies: A User-Centric Study on Evaluating Widespread Security Vulnerabilities. In 2024 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP) (pp. 1102-1121). San Francisco, CA, US: New York City: IEEE.
- Bumiller, F., Eichenmüller, C., & Benenson, Z. (2023). "You're not smart enough for it. You can't do it anyway." - Experiences and Coping Strategies of Female System Administrators. In Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings. Hamburg, DEU: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Quintero, J., Karaseva, V., Gassmann, F., & Benenson, Z. (2023). User Acceptance Factors of Usage-Based Insurance. In Mahmoud Shafik (Eds.), Advances in Transdisciplinary Engineering (pp. 137-147). Paris, FRA: IOS Press BV.
- Schiller, K., Adamsky, F., & Benenson, Z. (2023). Towards an Empirical Study to Determine the Effectiveness of Support Systems against E-Mail Phishing Attacks. In Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings. Hamburg, DEU: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Weinberger, L., Eichenmüller, C., & Benenson, Z. (2023). Interplay of Security, Privacy and Usability in Videoconferencing. In Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings. Hamburg, DEU: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Benenson, Z., Freiling, F., & Meyer-Wegener, K. (2022). Soziotechnische Einflussfaktoren auf die "digitale Souveränität" des Individuums. In Glasze, Georg; Odzuck; Eva; Staples, Ronald (Hrg.), Was heißt digitale Souveränität? Diskurse, Praktiken und Voraussetzungen "individueller" und "staatlicher Souveränität" im digitalen Zeitalter. (S. 61 - 87). Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
- Gruber, J., Voigt, L., Benenson, Z., & Freiling, F. (2022). Foundations of cybercriminalistics: From general process models to case-specific concretizations in cybercrime investigations. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, 43. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsidi.2022.301438
URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666281722001196 - Körber, M., Kalysch, A., Massonne, W., & Benenson, Z. (2022). Usability of Antivirus Tools in a Threat Detection Scenario. In Weizhi Meng, Simone Fischer-Hübner, Christian D. Jensen (Eds.), IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (pp. 306-322). Copenhagen, DNK: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.
- Morgner, P., Mai, C., Koschate-Fischer, N., Freiling, F., & Benenson, Z. (2020). Security Update Labels: Establishing Economic Incentives for Security Patching of IoT Consumer Products. In IEEE (Eds.), Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P), May 2020 (pp. 346-363). San Francisco, CA, US.
URL: https://www.computer.org/csdl/proceedings-article/sp/2020/349700a346/1j2LfHnkRPy - Pugliese, G., Rieß, C., Gassmann, F., & Benenson, Z. (2020). Long-Term Observation on Browser Fingerprinting: Users’ Trackability and Perspective. In Sciendo (Eds.), Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), Volume 2020: Issue 2 (pp. 558-577).
URL: https://petsymposium.org/popets/2020/popets-2020-0041.pdf
- Abdullah, L., Freiling, F., Quintero, J., & Benenson, Z. (2019). Sealed computation: Abstract requirements for mechanisms to support trustworthy cloud computing. In Frédéric Cuppens, Nora Cuppens, Christos Kalloniatis, Sokratis K. Katsikas, Costas Lambrinoudakis, John Mylopoulos, Annie Antón, Stefanos Gritzalis (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) (pp. 137-152). Barcelona, ES: Springer Verlag.
- Armknecht, F., Benenson, Z., Morgner, P., Müller, C., & Riess, C. (2019). Privacy implications of room climate data. Journal of Computer Security, 27(1), 113-136. https://doi.org/10.3233/JCS-181133
URL: https://content.iospress.com/articles/journal-of-computer-security/jcs181133 - Benenson, Z., Berger, F., Cherepantsev, A., Datsevich, S., Do, L., Eckert, M.,... Zlatanovic, J. (2019). Analyse verbreiteter Anwendungen zum Lesen von elektronischen Büchern.
URL: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:29-opus4-125519 - Gassmann, F., Benenson, Z., & Landwirth, R. (2019). Communication as a threat Users' reactions to email and Facebook messages with suspicious links. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 44, 135-155. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11614-019-00351-6
- Quintero, J., & Benenson, Z. (2019). Understanding usability and user acceptance of usage-based insurance from users' view. In ACM International Conference Proceeding Series (pp. 52-57). Jakarta, ID: Association for Computing Machinery.
- Reinfelder, L., Landwirth, R., & Benenson, Z. (2019). Security Managers Are Not the Enemy Either. In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. (pp. 1-7). ACM.
- Schiller, J., Freiling, F., Benenson, Z., & Massonne, W. (2019). Berufsbegleitendes Studieren an Universitäten - Ein Zukunftsfeld für die IT-Sicherheit. Informatik-Spektrum, 42(1), 38-47. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00287-019-01145-6
- Hänsch, N., Schankin, A., Protsenko, M., Freiling, F., & Benenson, Z. (2018). Programming Experience Might Not Help in Comprehending Obfuscated Source Code Efficiently. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (pp. 1-12). Baltimore, MD, USA.
- Morgner, P., & Benenson, Z. (2018). Exploring Security Economics in IoT Standardization Efforts. In Proceedings 2018 NDSS Workshop on Decentralized IoT Security and Standards (DISS). San Diego, CA, USA.
URL: https://www.ndss-symposium.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/diss2018_9_Morgner_paper.pdf - Morgner, P., Freiling, F., & Benenson, Z. (2018). Opinion: Security Lifetime Labels -- Overcoming Information Asymmetry in Security of IoT Consumer Products. In Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec'18) (pp. 208-211). Stockholm, Sweden: Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.
URL: https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=3212486 - Morgner, P., Pfennig, S., Salzner, D., & Benenson, Z. (2018). Malicious IoT Implants: Tampering with Serial Communication over the Internet. In Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses (RAID 2018) (pp. 535-555). Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
URL: https://www1.cs.fau.de/filepool/publications/raid2018-malicious-iot-implants.pdf - Reinfelder, L., Schankin, A., Russ, S., & Benenson, Z. (2018). An Inquiry into Perception and Usage of Smartphone Permission Models. In TrustBus Conference Proceedings (pp. 9-22). Regensburg, DE: CHAM: SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG.
- Benenson, Z., Gassmann, F., & Landwirth, R. (2017). Unpacking Spear Phishing Susceptibility. In Targeted Attacks (pp. 1-17). Malta: Springer.
- Morgner, P., Mattejat, S., Benenson, Z., Müller, C., & Armknecht, F. (2017). Insecure to the Touch: Attacking ZigBee 3.0 via Touchlink Commissioning. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec'17) (pp. 230-240). Boston, MA.
URL: https://www1.cs.fau.de/filepool/publications/wisec2017_touchlink.pdf - Morgner, P., Müller, C., Ring, M., Eskofier, B., Riess, C., Armknecht, F., & Benenson, Z. (2017). Privacy Implications of Room Climate Data. In Proceedings of the 22nd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2017) (pp. 324-343). Oslo, NO.
URL: https://faui1-files.cs.fau.de/filepool/publications/esorics2017_privacy_room_climate.pdf - Reinfelder, L., & Benenson, Z. (2017). Exploring Security Processes in Organizations: the Case of Smartphones. In Mensch und Computer (MuC) 2017 - Workshopband (pp. 261-268). Regensburg.
URL: http://dl.mensch-und-computer.de/handle/123456789/5361
- Armknecht, F., Benenson, Z., Morgner, P., & Müller, C. (2016). On the Security of the ZigBee Light Link Touchlink Commissioning Procedure. In International Workshop on Security, Privacy and Reliability of Smart Buildings (pp. 229-240). Bonn.
URL: https://dl.gi.de/bitstream/handle/20.500.12116/874/229.pdf - Morgner, P., Mattejat, S., & Benenson, Z. (2016). All Your Bulbs Are Belong to Us: Investigating the Current State of Security in Connected Lighting Systems.
URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.03732 - Sänger, J., Hänsch, N., Glass, B., Benenson, Z., Landwirth, R., & Sasse, A.M. (2016). Look Before You Leap: Improving the Users Ability to Detect Fraud in Electronic Marketplaces. In SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 1-12). San Jose, CA, USA: ACM.
URL: https://www1.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/filepool/publications/zina/look-beore-you-leap-chi16.pdf
- Benenson, Z., Girard, A., & Krontiris, I. (2015). User acceptance factors for anonymous credentials: An empirical investigation. In Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (pp. 1-12). Delft, The Netherlands.
URL: http://weis2015.econinfosec.org/papers/WEIS_2015_benenson.pdf - Benenson, Z., Lenzini, G., Oliveira, D., Parkin, S., & Übelacker, S. (2015). Maybe Poor Johnny Really Cannot Encrypt - The Case for a Complexity Theory for Usable Security. In New Security Paradigms Workshop (pp. 1-15). Twente, The Netherlands.
- Krontiris, I., Benenson, Z., Girard, A., Sabouri, A., Rannenberg, K., & Schoo, P. (2015). Privacy-ABCs as a Case for Studying the Adoption of PETs by Users and Service Providers. In Annual Privacy Forum (pp. LNCS). Luexembourg: Heidelberg: Springer.
- Morgner, P., Benenson, Z., Müller, C., & Armknecht, F. (2015). Design Space of Smart Home Networks from a Security Perspective. In Proceedings of the 14. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Sensornetze (pp. 41-44). Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU).
URL: https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-fau/files/6617/report.pdf
- Benenson, Z., Girard, A., Krontiris, I., Liagkou, V., Rannenberg, K., & Stamatiou, Y. (2014). User Acceptance of Privacy-ABCs: An Exploratory Study. In Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy and Trust (pp. 1-12). Crete, Greece, GR: Springer Verlag.
- Benenson, Z., Hintz, N., Girard, A., & Luder, A. (2014). Susceptibility to URL-based Internet Attacks: Facebook vs. Email. In 6th IEEE International Workshop on SEcurity and SOCial Networking (pp. 1-8). Budapest, Hungary, HU: IEEE Computer Society.
- Hänsch, N., & Benenson, Z. (2014). Specifying IT security awareness. In SHCIS14 (pp. 326-330). Munich, Germany, DE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
- Reinfelder, L., Benenson, Z., & Gassmann, F. (2014). Differences between Android and iPhone users in their security and privacy awareness. In TrustBus (pp. 1-12). Munich: Springer Verlag.
- Benenson, Z., Christin, D., De Luca, A., Fischer-Hübner, S., Heimann, T., & Meyer, J. (2013). Consequence-based Privacy Decisions: a New Way to Better Privacy Management. In 'My Life, Shared' - Trust and Privacy in the Age of Ubiquitous Experience Sharing (Dagstuhl Seminar 13312) (pp. 104-106). Dagstuhl, Germany, DE: Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.
URL: http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2013/4307 - Benenson, Z., Gassmann, F., & Reinfelder, L. (2013). Android and iOS users' differences concerning security and privacy. In CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 817-822). New York, NY, USA.
URL: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2468356.2468502 - Benenson, Z., Krontiris, I., Rannenberg, K., Liagkou, V., Schopf, A., Schröder, D., & Stamatiou, Y. (2013). Understanding and Using Anonymous Credentials. In Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security, Poster Session (pp. 1-2). Newcastle, UK.
URL: http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/2013/posters/soups13_posters-final24.pdf - Benenson, Z., & Reinfelder, L. (2013). Should the Users be Informed? On Differences in Risk Perception between Android and iPhone Users. In Workshop on Risk Perception in IT Security and Privacy (pp. 1-2). Newcastle, UK.
URL: http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/2013/risk/soups13-risk-perception-Android-vs-iPhone.pdf - Hintz, N., & Benenson, Z. (2013). Faktoren des datenschutzbewussten Verhaltens in Facebook. In DACH Security 2013 (pp. 52-62). Nürnberg.
URL: http://www.syssec.at/ds13_programm/
- Benenson, Z., Hintz, N., Kroll-Peters, O., & Krupp, M. (2012). Attitudes to IT-Security When Using a Smartphone. In SOUPS (pp. Poster). Washington.
URL: http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/2012/program.html - Benenson, Z., Kroll-Peters, O., & Krupp, M. (2012). Mentale Modelle der IT-Sicherheit bei der Nutzung mobiler Endgeräte. In Sicherheit 2012: Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit (pp. 7-24). Darmstadt: Bonn: GI.
- Hintz, N., Benenson, Z., & Strufe, T. (2012). Friendship in German Online Social Networks. In SOUPS (pp. Poster). Washington.
URL: http://cups.cs.cmu.edu/soups/2012/
- Benenson, Z., Freiling, F., Bestehorn, M., Böhm, K., Buchmann, E., & Jawurek, M. (2010). Query Dissemination in Sensor Networks - Predicting Reachability and Energy Consumption. In Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks Vol. 9 (pp. 85-107). Philadelphia: Old City Publishing.
URL: http://www.ipd.uni-karlsruhe.de/~buchmann/pdfs/bestehorn09qdiss-predicting.pdf - Benenson, Z., Freiling, F., & Blaß, E.-O. (2010). Attacker models for wireless sensor networks. it - Information Technology, 6, 320-324. https://doi.org/10.1524/itit.2010.0609
- Benenson, Z., Dewald, A., & Freiling, F. (2009). Presence, Intervention, Insertion: Unifying Attack and Failure Models in Wireless Sensor Networks.
URL: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= - Benenson, Z., & Werner, F. (2009). Formally Verified Authenticated Query Dissemination in Sensor Networks. In IEEE International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS) (pp. 154-161). Istanbul: Istanbul: IEEE.
- Krontiris, I., Benenson, Z., Freiling, F., Thanassis, G., & Dimitriou, T. (2009). Cooperative Intrusion Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (pp. 263-278). Cork, Ireland, IE: Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-verlag.
- Wilke, J., Zitterbart, M., Benenson, Z., & Freiling, F. (2009). Authentic Query Dissemination and Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Networked Sensing Systems (INSS), Demo Session (pp. 1). Pittsburgh, PA: IEEE.
- Benenson, Z. (2008). Access control in wireless sensor networks (Dissertation).
- Benenson, Z., Bestehorn, M., Buchmann, E., Freiling, F., & Jawurek, M. (2008). Query Dissemination with Predictable Reachability and Energy Usage in Sensor Networks. In Ad-hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks, 7th International Conference (ADHOC-NOW) (pp. 279-292). Sophia-Antipolis: Sophia-Antipolis, France: Springer-verlag.
- Benenson, Z., Cholewinski, P.M., & Freiling, F. (2008). Vulnerabilities and attacks in wireless sensor networks. In Wireless Sensors Networks Security. (pp. 22-43). Amsterdam: IOS Press.
- Benenson, Z. (2007). Lower Bounds. In Algorithms for Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks, Advanced Lectures. (pp. 117-130). Heidelberg: Springer-verlag.
- Benenson, Z., Cholewinski, P.M., & Freiling, F. (2007). Advanced Evasive Data Storage in Sensor Networks. In MDM (8th International Conference on Mobile Data Management) (pp. 146-151). Mannheim: Mannheim: IEEE.
- Brust, M.R., Andronache, A., Rothkugel, S., & Benenson, Z. (2007). Topology-based Clusterhead Candidate Selection in Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks. In COMSWARE (Second International Conference on COMmunication System softWAre and MiddlewaRE) (pp. 1-8). Bangalore: Bangalore, India: IEEE.
- Achtzehn, A., Benenson, Z., & Rohner, C. (2006). Implementing Agreement Protocols in Sensor Networks. In MASS Workshops (3rd International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems (pp. 858-863). Vancouver, Canada: IEEE.
- Becher, A., Benenson, Z., & Dornseif, M. (2006). Tampering with Motes: Real-World Physical Attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks. In Security in Pervasive Computing (SPC), Third International Conference (pp. 104-118). York: York, UK: Springer-verlag.
- Benenson, Z., Freiling, F., Hammerschmidt, E., Lucks, S., & Pimenidis, L. (2006). Authenticated Query Flooding in Sensor Networks. In IFIP SEC (pp. 38-49). Karlstad, Sweden: Springer Verlag.
- Benenson, Z., Freiling, F., Holz, T., Kesdogan, D., & Draque Penso, L. (2006). Safety, Liveness, and Information Flow: Dependability Revisited. In ARCS Workshops (19th International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems) (pp. 56-65). Frankfurt am Main: GI.
- Benenson, Z., Freiling, F., Pfitzmann, B., Rohner, C., & Waidner, M. (2006). Verifiable Agreement: Limits of Non-repudiation in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Ad Hoc Networks. In ESAS (Security and Privacy in Ad-Hoc and Sensor Networks, Third European Workshop) (pp. 165-178). Hamburg: Hamburg: Springer-verlag.
- Fort, M., Freiling, F., Draque Penso, L., Benenson, Z., & Kesdogan, D. (2006). TrustedPals: Secure Multiparty Computation Implemented with Smart Cards. In Computer Security - {ESORICS} 2006, 11th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (pp. 34-48). Hamburg: Hamburg: Springer-verlag.
- Benenson, Z. (2005). Authenticated Queries in Sensor Networks. In 2nd European Workshop on Security and Privacy in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (ESAS) (pp. 54-67). Visegrad: Visegrad, Hungary: Springer-verlag.
- Benenson, Z., Cholewinski, P.M., & Freiling, F. (2005). Simple Evasive Data Storage in Sensor Networks. In International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, PDCS (pp. 779-784). Phoenix, AZ, USA: IASTED/ACTA Press.
- Benenson, Z., Freiling, F., & Kesdogan, D. (2005). An algorithmic framework for robust access control in wireless sensor networks. In EWSN 2005 (pp. 158-165). Istanbul: Istanbul: IEEE.
- Benenson, Z., Gedicke, N., & Raivio, O. (2005). Realizing Robust User Authentication in Sensor Networks. In REALWSN (pp. 68-72). Stockholm: SICS Report.
- Benenson, Z., Gärtner, F.C., & Kesdogan, D. (2005). Secure Multi-Party Computation with Security Modules. In Sicherheit 2005 (pp. 41-52). Regensburg: Regensburg: GI 2005 LNI.
- Benenson, Z., Kühn, U., & Lucks, S. (2005). Cryptographic Attack Metrics. In Dependability Metrics. (pp. 133-156). LNCS: Springer.
- Benenson, Z., Gärtner, F.C., & Kesdogan, D. (2004). User Authentication in Sensor Networks. In INFORMATIK 2004 - Informatik verbindet (pp. 385-389). Ulm: GI LNI.